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The Importance of Home Humidity for Indoor Air Quality

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Humidity is the hidden x-factor to indoor air quality. As the spring season comes around, it’s important to take steps to boost your indoor air quality to fight off troublesome allergies. We’ll explain how home humidity management is vital in the fight against indoor pollutants and allergens.

What Does Home Humidity Impact?

The level of moisture in the air has a huge impact on your personal comfort. You’ve probably experienced going for a jog on a muggy day. It feels so much warmer than the temperature would suggest and it feels gross. The same is true for your home if you let home humidity rise out of control. There’s also the added problem that high humidity can encourage mold growth in your home, which is something you definitely want to avoid.

However, dry air isn’t the answer either. The effects of dry air can be a bit more difficult to notice, but just as frustrating. Your skin and throat can dry out and it can actually impact your ability to fight off allergies as well!

How Do We Control Home Humidity?

It turns out that most thing you do in your day-to-day life has some effect on your home’s humidity. Cooking and using warm water in the bathroom are two examples that come to mind. Anytime you create steam or use hot water, it’s likely that some of that moisture will go into the air. Another simple one is air-drying your clothing. All of these activities add moisture to the air.

You can remove moisture by limiting these activities and running your furnace or a dehumidifier. These machines dry out the air in your home.

A great benchmark to shoot for is home humidity levels between 30% and 40%. Keep it there and you’ll avoid mold problems and you’ll be ready to fight off allergies, too!

If you’re interested in a new HVAC installation, fill out our form online or call us at (843) 242-0855. Our technicians have been trained in cleanliness and to take the utmost care and caution when helping your home.
