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Stop These 3 Energy Vampires In Their Tracks

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Dyess Air

When it comes to energy usage in your home, you probably think that your HVAC system is the number one culprit. While it does use a considerable amount of energy, several other appliances can cause your utility bill to skyrocket. To avoid excessive energy use and lower the electric bills in your Claxton, Georgia, home, watch out for these energy vampires.


According to the most recent statistics, the average household has 2.93 televisions, and 55 percent of homes have three or more TVs. While LED and LCD televisions are far more efficient than older models, they also have dramatically increased in size, offsetting the potential reduction in energy usage. To eliminate potential waste, try unplugging your televisions when not in use, or plug them into a surge protector and turn it off when you aren’t watching.

Ceiling Fans

Whether it’s recent college graduates looking to start a career or people looking to retire, more Americans are moving to warmer climates than ever before. Because of this, many are also turning to the ceiling fan to cut energy bills. However, turning on numerous fans in the house uses more energy than you’d think. The solution to this problem is to opt for fans with the Energy Star logo. They move air as efficiently as regular ceiling fans but save you money in the process.

Air Conditioners

Central air conditioners use lots of energy in the summer, especially if they aren’t properly maintained. You may notice your air conditioner continuously running, but having no significant impact on the temperature of your home. If this describes you, chances are your unit is in need of a serious tuneup or filter replacement, and possibly both. In addition, you may want to upgrade your air conditioner to a high-efficiency system, particularly if it’s more than 10 to 15 years old.

Don’t let these energy vampires suck the money and energy out of your home. Instead, follow these tips to manage the heavy energy consumers in your home. If that’s still not enough, call the technicians at Dyess Air & Plumbing at (843) 242-0855  today.
